Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Staton Family Genealogy Blog

Ok, here is my first blog ever.  I think this may be a good way to connect with all family members  (close and distant) for genealogy collaboration.

I would like to use this blog to share new genealogy research results, collaborate with others on finding new info/records, and provide help and info to anyone interested in already researched areas.

The families of interest are:
Staton, Michael, Neoral, Kalus, Barnard, Gauntt, Jilek, Bolf, Hankins, Wallace, Ellis, Nemec, Zavadil, Vojvodik, Surala, Hoosier, Spiva, Fugate, Nunn, Bradley, Moody, Hendrix, Glines, Dart, Slocum, Shisler, Benner, Suess, Weaver, Moore, Price, Horton, Berka, Stryka, Ryznavy, Horelica, Chudej, Valigura, Bila, Sabrsula, Petrvaldsy, Martinak, Petrek, Kulajda, Juchec; and other related families.


  1. I saw you blog about your blog „Neoral & Staton Genealogy“ and I found a surname „Neoral“ there. My Surname is also Neoral. Thera are not many people with surname Neoral in my country so we might be a relatives. If you are still interest in your czech ancestors let me know.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Czech Republic.

    1. Dear Martina, thank you for your post. Yes, we can certainly look for a common ancestor. Please contact me through e-mail so we can share our details. Regards, Hana

  2. Vážená paní Hano,
    příští měsíc se chystám do pražského vojenského archivu a při té příležitosti si vás dovoluji dotázat jak jste pokročila v pátrání po Josefu a Františku Bolfovi.
    S pozdravem Jiří Tintěra,
    privat mail:
